Key components of screw air compressor oil circulation (4)
Aug 21 , 2024

The oil circulation system of the screw air compressor is crucial to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, and the oil filter is one of the key components in the oil circulation. The following is an introduction to the oil filter of the screw air compressor oil circulation:

1.The function of the oil filter: The oil filter is responsible for filtering out impurities in the lubricating oil to ensure that clean lubricating oil enters the main engine working chamber and each lubrication point, thereby protecting the operation of the air compressor main engine and preventing blockage of the cooler pipeline.

2.Maintenance of the filter: When the oil filter equipped with a pressure differential transmitter is clogged, it will lead to insufficient oil supply to the main engine, increase the oil and gas temperature, and affect the life of the main engine's moving parts. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the pressure difference before and after the oil filter and replace it in time when necessary to keep the lubricating oil clean and fluid.

3.Filter replacement cycle: It is recommended to replace the oil filter element after the first 500 hours of operation of a new machine, and replace it with a new filter element every 1500 to 1800 hours thereafter. In harsh environments, the replacement cycle should be shortened.

4.Filter replacement operation: When replacing, use a special wrench to reverse the oil filter element to remove the old filter, and add screw oil before installing the new filter element. After the filter element is sealed, use both hands to screw back the oil filter seat and make sure it is tightened.

5.Filter blockage problem: If the oil filter is blocked, it will affect the circulation of lubricating oil, reduce the oil flow entering the air compressor host, and may cause the exhaust temperature of the unit to rise. Therefore, it is necessary to check and replace it regularly to avoid oil line blockage.

Through these maintenance measures, the oil circulation system of the screw air compressor can be ensured to operate effectively, the service life of the equipment can be extended, and the operating efficiency can be improved.

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